Monday, September 23, 2013

Peggy McIntosh- White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack

  Recently I have been made more clearly aware of the issue of  White Power. McIntosh article really touched on some important aspects about this type of power, as well as, providing clear relatable examples that a reader can understand. Throughout the text I noticed a couple of particular quotes that caught my attention and I really like. 

1)  "I have come to see white privilege as an invisible package of unearned assets that I can count on cashing in each day, but which I was "meant" to remain oblivious."
     To me this quote means that the white culture has this privilege that isn't spoken of or noted of. That being white is like being given an ability to do things and get privileges that others who are not white don't have. I strongly feel that people are aware of this white power, but know and want to continue to be silent on the issue so nothing changes. Just the fact that being white means that during each and every day there will be things you can do and get away with and are aware of that other races can't do or get away with. 
    This is relevant to the text because, white power is an issue that has and is silentes and unspoken of. Due to the fact that this issue is never spoken about, it hasnt changed. This article talks about how white power impacts every white individual everyday is a silent yet heard way.

2).   " I see a pattern running through the matrix of white privilege, a pattern of assumption that were passed on to me as a white person." 
    To me this quote means that the idea of white power is something of pattern that has been taught and passed down generation to generation. That it isn't a choice for white individuals to have this white power, that is has been passed down and forced upon them because of their race. This is relevant to the article because the way white power was taught to and started is how it can be stopped and changed. By not continuing to teach white power and life in the current lifestyle we are, then we can change the patterns and maybe even end the idea of white power. 

3.)   "Many, perhaps most, of our white students in the United States think that racism doesn't affect them because they are not people of color; they do not see "whiteness" as a racial identity."
     I think that a huge part of the issue of white power is the way things are taught in school. The way things are taught in school make children assume the if they are not fo color that racism doesn't affect them, but they are clearly wrong. One of the major issues with racism is the fact that individuals who are white do not recognize thats a race, and that "whiteness" is the racial identity. This is relevant to the article because starting the change of the power of whiteness might just be in schools. Maybe if in schools that taught whiteness as a race and that things aren't perfect and it isn't the perfect "better" race. 

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